So here it is. The Peanut Paintshop blog that I said I'd never do. But "they" say to do what you know. And I know blogs. Our family has one. My friends have them. Our pastor has one. Folks, we're living in a blogging world, and I am a blogging girl.
In an effort to quit sending massive emails with photo attachments of my work, and in HUGE avoidance of trying to learn the ins and outs of web design, this will be my way of showing you what's going on in The Peanut Paintshop.
What is The Peanut Paintshop?
It started without my knowing in 2005 when I was pregnant with my first son. We had an adorable nursery without anything to hang on the walls and no money to spend at a store that rhymes with Lottery Yarn Bids for pictures to decorate the room. So I made my own. And they were cute. But more than that...it was a blast painting them!
Three years and another son later, I find myself sick with the painting bug again. So I paint, paint and paint, but run out of room to put all of my things. Some people see them. They like them. They say, "You should sell these!" I get an LLC. I wonder who would want to buy something I've made? I ignore that and sell a few, and then a few more. So here I sit, late at night, surrendering to the easiest possible way to get my art work out there so I can paint some more.
My artwork is hand painted and customized at a price you can afford. If you like what you see, please email me at thepeanutpaintshop@yahoo.com.
Why call it The Peanut Paintshop?
Despite the adorable and fitting names we gave our sons, we naturally resorted to nicknames. Our oldest was "Peanut", and then our youngest, who was considerably smaller than the first naturally phased into "Peanut", too. Since they make everything better and brighter (outside of grocery shopping), I thought it fitting to include them in the name.
How did I score this super cool logo?
The AWESOME LOGO was designed by the real artist in my family: my brother, Matt. Go to www.g-graphics.com. He's the best graphic designer in the universe!
Come back for updates!!!
you are too cute. and i'm clearly equally obsessed with this new blog to follow. i'm pretty sure i might pay you to just write me a letter in your ah-mazing hand writing :)